Only families that are registered members of the parish of Sacred Heart may enroll their children in our program. All students must be registered each year. Classes will be filled on a first-come first-serve basis, with no exception.
Faith Formation Registration
Currently enrolled Faith Formation families will have an opportunity to register their children for the upcoming school year online during the month of April. Registration fee is $10 per child it will be collected on the their first day of Sunday School.
Regular Faith Formation classes for Grades K to 8 are on
Sundays, September thru April 9:10 am to 10:10 am in the activity building.
Faith Formation is a life long process. There is no graduation from learning more about out faith and growing closer to Jesus.
The purpose of the Faith Formation office is to assist parents in their responsibility to educate their children in the Catholic faith. The parish will do so by providing formal classroom instruction in the ways of the Catholic faith using the Call to Faith Curriculum from OSV to help them with this important job.
The Role of Parents
The Catholic Church considers the parents to be the chief catechists for their children: “Parents above others are obliged to form their children by word and example in faith and in the practice of Christian life; sponsors and those who take the place of parents are bound by an equal obligation.” Code of Canon Law 774-2
Excerpt from the Rite of Baptism of an Infant. When your child was baptized you took upon yourself the responsibility of teaching them to love and practice the faith.
Priest or Deacon: "You have asked to have your child baptized. In doing so you are accepting the responsibility of training him/her in the practice of the Faith. It will be your duty to bring him/her up to keep God's commandments as Christ taught us, by loving God and our neighbor. Do you clearly understand what you are undertaking?"
Parents: "We do."
We can never replace the Parents in the carrying out of their responsibility. It is essential to the child's growth and development in the Catholic faith, that the Parents live the life of faith in the home. The effectiveness of the catechetical process radically depends upon this. For example, the children learn in their religious education classes that celebrating the Eucharist on Sunday with the faith community (that is the local parish) is essential to being Catholic. When parents "sleep in" instead of attending Mass, their actions speak louder than their words. The values of the Parents become the values of the child/ren. The child/ren are then receiving a "mixed message" and statistics demonstrate that it is the Parents' beliefs they will absorb and follow.
Catechesis - teaching the faith - is an essential work of the Church. Beginning in the home and permeating parish life, catechesis attempts to echo the faith in the litrugy, sacraments, words and works. Sacred Heart faith formation programs for children and adults present rich opportunities for all parishioners to grow closer to God and deepen their spiritual lives, both on an individual basis and as a community of faith. Programs are offered throughout the year for parishioners of all ages.
Those who believe are never alone. We help one another to live that gift of faith, which is not always easy to do. As a parish we learn and pray together. As we do so that beautiful light of faith grows within us and becomes a sign of hope for others. (It) helps us all to grow stronger in our faith drawing us all more fully into the communion of the saints